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Human Ultracell VI ®

Longevity Cycle 1 | Cycle 2 | Cycle 3 90 Units: 45 Capsules | 45 Tablets Formula Specially Developed for Woman This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The organic structure of women and men is different and unequal because there are biological factors (genetic, hereditary, physiological) that manifest themselves differently between the sexes and are often invisible to the androcentric patterns of the health sciences. Researcher Petra Kolip, from the Institute for Preventive Medicine at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, considers it very important to differentiate between biological gender, as there are gender-related differences in health and disease. Genetic-biological differences: In men, the existence of a chromosome (X) in his inheritance (XY) predisposes him to a greater susceptibility to diseases, such as those that are inherited in a recessive way of the X chromosome. In women, due to the second X chromosome (XX) slows down the aging process. Cellular aging diseases, certain forms of cancer, and other diseases are less common in women.

Clinical studies confirm that men and women differ in the way they get sick.

As a result of continuous research carried out by Biocell Ultravital’s to fill the organic deficiencies of women and men of our times, it has developed a product for each gender, mainly to optimize the cellular structure in the Cellular Renevation stage of women and men. In addition to containing the most efficient biocellular compounds, it now includes biopeptides and other new components in its formulas that are differentiated to minimize organic deterioration and the structural needs of each genus and its implications, especially with regard to function. endocrine, metabolic, immune and cognitive abilities.

Due to the therapeutic importance that peptides represent in the field of new scientific discoveries, we have incorporated them to improve and enhance the organism of 4 main activities: protection, repair, revitalization and regeneration of all cellular functions, hence the importance of including biopeptides to the formula Human Ultracell of a 4th cell generation.

Human-Ultracell VI, cell renewal therapy, also helps to avoid the rate of DNA transcription errors in RNA at the time of making proteins and DNA copying errors in the synthesis interface (S interface) prior to Mitosis, and to reinforce the apoptosis mechanisms, to eliminate mutated or potentially risky cells that generate the development of various diseases.

Human-Ultracell VI Cellular Renovation Therapy manages to significantly restore the impaired functions of cells, through the supply of extremely valuable biological components that have the ability to induce a gradual recovery of the energy production capacity of cells and of its ability to correctly produce the proteins necessary for the replacement and maintenance of the body’s tissues, as well as the stimulation of cognitive faculties, concentration, memory and mental alertness and the maximization of the potential of the immune system.

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What is Human Ultracell VI?

It is a product of biological origin with pharmaceutical quality, considered by many specialists in regenerative medicine as the most effective product of organic revitalization through Cellular Renewal, which stimulates the body, especially the immune system, to defend itself against contracting degenerative and catastrophic diseases.

What are the components of Human Ultracell VI?

It is a combination of opotherapeutic cell extracts, biopeptides, enzymes and hormonal precursors that originate important stimuli in cells for optimal functioning. Its formula is an exclusive worldwide patent and does not contain chemicals, steroids, or synthetic hormone substitutes.?

What do we feel when we take Human Ultracell VI?

It is almost imperceptible, but it gives us the protection and security that we feel when we have been vaccinated against contagious and viral diseases, with the main benefit that HUMAN ULTRACELL helps prevent organic aging and its consequences.

What are its Benefits?

Its main benefits are:

  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • It prevents cell deterioration and organic wear, which are the beginning of degenerative diseases.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Revitalizes organs, improving their functions.
  • Strengthens cognitive functions.
  • Improves heart and lung function.
  • Increases bone density.
  • Improves the elasticity of the skin.

How does Human Ultracell Work?

It works mainly by autophagy, which is a cleaning by recycling of all the waste inside the cells that limit key functions, decreasing their energy production capacity in the mitochondria, therefore autophagy progressively restores the deteriorated functions of the cells through the supply of extremely valuable biological components that have the ability to induce a gradual recovery in the energy production capacity of cells and the proteins necessary for the replacement and maintenance of organic tissues.

What is the Price of Human Ultracell VI?

The price will depend on the number of doses your doctor prescribes, but this may vary depending on the age of the patient and their health conditions. What value do you place on your health? We must remember that the most important thing in life is not to survive it with chronic diseases and ailments, but to live it as long as possible fully and with health.

Do Insurance Companies cover this Treatment?

As it is a non-pharmaceutical biological product, thus far it has not been possible to make the necessary agreements for insurance companies to integrate this product into their programs.

If we could Buy Insurance that guarantees Health, would we do it?

If we reflect on the purchase of life insurance, it only gives us peace of mind, since we have our family protected, but it does not protect our health or our future physical well-being.

Is Human Ultracell VI available in Pharmacies?

Because it is a product of biological and non-pharmaceutical origin, it is not for sale in traditional pharmacies, only in some specialized.
Biopharmaxie and Schweizer Klinik Biocell

What Side Effects and Reactions does Human Ultracell VI have?

It has no side effects, since its toxicity is completely nulled, it does not produce any adverse reaction and it can be taken safely combined with other treatments, since it does not have any interaction with other medicines.

What are the Results of Clinical Expertise with Human Ultracell VI?

In recent years, different clinical expertise has been carried out, where it was found that HUMAN ULTRACELL  VI also exerts a very positive coadjuvant function in combination with other allopathic medications and its great effectiveness as a primary treatment within the spectrum of alternative medicine and its importance in the process of medical action in relation to the follow-up they gave to the patient’s health.

Human Ultracell VI
Longevity Treatment
Cycle 1 | Cycle 2 | Cycle 3
90 Units: 45 Capsules | 45 Tablets
Formula Specially Developed for Woman.

Oral presentation.
Contains 6 different formulas per dosage.
3 capsules differentiated in formulas, engraving and color of 750 mg each.
3 tablets differentiated in formulas, engraving and color of 750 mg each


Each Enteric Coated White Tablet 750 mg contains:
Opotherapeutic Extracts: Umbilical cord, Embryo, Placenta, Thymus, Mesenchyme, Muscle, Testicles.
Peptide Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Placenta, Thymus, Mesenchyme, Muscle, Testicles.
Other Assets: Adénine Diphospirine Dinucléotide (NAD), Trans-Resveratrol 3-4-5, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Vitamin B1 Complex, Vitamin A, Potassium gluconate, Osteol, Vinpocetine, Pregnenolone, stabilizers and excipients.


Each enteric-coated 750 mg Red Tablet contains:
Opotherapeutic Extracts: Umbilical cord, Embryo, Placenta, Thymus, Heart, Lung, Prostate.
Peptide Extracts: Umbilical cord, Embryo, Placenta, Thymus, Heart, Lung, Prostate.
Other Assets: Adénine Diphospirine Dinucléotide (NAD), Trans-Resveratrol 3-4-5, Vinpocetine, Pregnenolone, Lycopene, Hydroxytyrosol, Vitamin B9, Vitamin H, Copper Gluconate, Lapacho, Exocyan, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase, stabilizers and excipients.


Gray Tablet 750 mg enteric coated contains:
Opotherapeutic Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Thymus Placenta, Liver, Pancreas, Testicles.
Peptide Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Placenta, Thymus, Liver, Pancreas, Testicles.
Other Assets: Adénine Diphospirine Dinucléotide (NAD), Trans-Resveratrol 3-4-5, Vitamin B12, Calcium Phosphate, Manganese Gluconate, Vinoserae, Zinc Gluconate, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Vinpocetine , Pregnenolone, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase, stabilizers and excipients.


Gray Capsule 750 mg contains:
Opotherapeutic Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Placenta, Thymus, Bones, Adrenal, Prostate.
Peptide Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Thymus, Placenta, Bones, Adrenal, Prostate.
Other Assets: Adénine Diphospirine Dinucléotide (NAD), Trans-Resveratrol 3-4-5, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium Gluconate, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Riboflavin, Thiamine, Isonicotinate, Hypericin, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase, stabilizers and excipients.


Red Capsule 750 mg contains:
Opotherapeutic Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Thymus, Placenta, Kidney, Testicles.
Peptide Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Thymus, Placenta, Ovary, Kidney.
Other Assets: Adénine Diphospirine Dinucléotide (NAD), Trans-Resveratrol 3-4-5, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Ferric Gluconate, Ginseng, Vinitrox, Vinoseed, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Riboflavin, Thiamine , Isonicotinate, Hypericin, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase, stabilizers and excipients.


750 mg Red / Gray Capsule contains:
Opotherapeutic Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Thymus, Placenta, Brain, Prostate.
Peptide Extracts: Umbilical Cord, Embryo, Thymus, Placenta, Uterus, Brain.
Other Assets: Adénine Diphospirine Dinucléotide (NAD), Trans-Resveratrol 3-4-5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Zinc Gluconate, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Riboflavin, Thiamine, Isonicotinate, Hypericin, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase, stabilizers and excipients.


  • Regeneration, revitalization and cell renewal for human longevity, through the reinforcement of the immune system.
  • Adjuvant in degenerative diseases of the immune system.
  • Premature aging.
  • Decreased mental and physical faculties, fatigue, physical asthenia.
  • Prevention of degenerative diseases.
  • General energy increase.
  • Revitalization of bodily functions.
  • Increased resistance to stress.
  • Improved performance and organic function that weakens with aging.
  • Remarkable improvement in physical performance.
  • Improved blood pressure.
  • Recovery of concentration and memory capacity.
  • Improved quality of sleep.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Stimulation and control of libido in men and women.
  • Strengthening of the venous system, acceleration of wound recovery.
  • Stimulation of endogenous production of growth hormone that maintains muscle mass.
  • Prevention of senescence keeping the patient as a young adult.

Mechanism of action

The Human Ultracell VI formula contains cellular and phytochemical biological compounds, which are administered to the patient orally or intramuscularly, and once in the body are transported to the bloodstream reaching the blood capillaries and from there to the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix is ​​a network of molecules, proteins and carbohydrates that are arranged in the intercellular space and that are synthesized and secreted by the cells themselves. From the extracellular matrix the components of the formula pass into the cells, through the cellular means available for it, mainly endocytosis.

Human-Ultracell VI contains a large number of cellular components, embryonic growth factors, nucleotides and cytokines, which require massive incorporation into the cell. In this massive incorporation, extracellular molecules can enter the vesicle nonspecifically, in solution, or specifically bound to membrane receptors, termed endocytosis and pinocytosis.

Endocytosis consists of a transport medium according to which the cell forms a depression in its membrane, which engulfs the elements to be incorporated, forming a vacuole that then closes around these elements and transports them to assimilation and digestion bags called Lysosomes, where they are catabolized and assimilated.

Pinocytosis is a type of nonspecific endocytosis of dissolved molecules. Some of the contents of any vesicle that forms on the plasma membrane will have dissolved molecules that have seeped into the vesicle in a non-specific manner. To a greater or lesser extent, all endocytosis routes carry out pinocytosis.

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Cycles of the Mechanism of Action

The cell renewal process occurs continuously and its efficiency depends on the physiological state or physiological age of the patient, in other words on their degree of deterioration. Although we cannot speak of defined stages of therapy action, we can use the concept of cycles to define the sequence of its renewal processes.


CELL REVITALIZATION: The high content of coenzymes NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) of the formula, essential for the efficient production of energy of the cell, in the phase of Oxidative Phosphorylation, together with the inducers of proliferation of mitochondria of the formula, almost immediately contribute to increasing the production of cellular energy, which allows cells to develop a process of AUTOPHAGY, cell cleaning, to get rid of denatured proteins and other useless biological material, accumulated in their cytoplasm as a result of poor functioning cell functions over time. Said biological material is digested in lysosomes, or vesicles of digestion by hydrolase enzymes, to be reused in the production of new proteins for the body. Cells freed from the overwhelming burden of biological waste, and with increased energy production, undergo a great revitalization. It is important to note that AUTOPHAGY takes on special significance in the case of cells that do not divide, such as neuronal and cardiac cells, and those that divide little, reducing the risk of accumulation of harmful proteins that hinder their functions. It is worth mentioning that Alzheimer’s disease is associated with the accumulation of amyloid proteins in neurons. It has recently been discovered that the coenzymes NAD are not only essential for the efficient production of cellular energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but also that they are key for efficient intracellular communication in the chronological execution of their functions, hence a decrease in its amount in cells, contributes to aging.


CELL RENEWAL:  With the progressive recovery of the energy production capacity induced by the formula and by the effects of the growth factor stimulating cytokines in the formula, a process of normalization of cellular functions begins, particularly its machinery for the production of membrane proteins and lipids. In this cycle, the controls in the transcription of DNA into messenger RNA and translation into proteins are also reinforced, to avoid errors in the amino acid sequence of said proteins. In addition, the semi-conservative replication mechanisms of DNA are reinforced, prior to mitosis at the cellular interface and the cellular capacity to correct copying errors. In addition, cells improve their protection mechanisms against mutations, reinforcing their capacity for apoptosis of mutated cells.


ORGANIC RECOVERY: The normalization of cellular functions leads to a greater production of proteins, which translates into an increase in muscle mass, an increase in collagen in the skin, joints, connective tissue, improvement of liver, kidney, and lung function, cardiovascular, in addition to cognitive functions, memory, ability to concentrate, etc. and stimulates the immune system. The synergistic action of the amino acids and catalyst peptides of Human Ultracell induces and stimulates the pituitary gland to release a greater proportion of human growth hormone (whose production decreases appreciably with age), which acts directly on all tissues of the body, causing the activation of a younger metabolism, characterized by an increase in protein synthesis in almost all cells of the body, increased mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue, increased amount of free fatty acids in the blood and preferential use of fatty acids as an energy source instead of glucose. This cycle almost always begins in week 3 or 4 and reaches its peak within 6 months.


Orally, consume before taking food to improve absorption, preferably with water in the morning.


Corresponds to 4,500 mg for each dose divided into six (6) units of capsules and / or tablets of 750 mg. Each specially formulated prolonged-release bottle is packaged in an orally administered vial that is recommended to be consumed immediately after opening.

Human Ultracell Oral Protocol:

Depending on the condition and age, the dosage orientation varies to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment.

Indications for taking the product.

Posology 1 Preventive Therapy.

As preventive therapy in asymptomatic patients to prevent degenerative diseases and slow down aging.
Frequency and dose by age.
From 30 to 39 years 30 doses and repeat every 6 months. *
From 40 to 49 years 30 doses and repeat every 4 months. *
From 50 to 59 years 30 doses and repeat every 3 months. *
After 60 years, 30 doses and repeat every 2 months. *
* Each dose corresponds to one dose per day.
* Restart annually for equal periods according to age.


Do not interrupt the recommended doses of treatment, its therapeutic effect is of continuous action, its effectiveness will depend on the completion of the treatment.

Dosage 2 Clinical Treatment.

As Adjuvant Therapy for symptomatic patients suffering from a disorder or disease, or people with a marked family genetic inheritance to contract diseases.

Frequency and dose by age.

From 30 to 39 years 45 doses every 6 months. *
From 40 to 49 years 45 doses every 4 months. *
From 50 to 59 years 45 doses every 3 months. *
After 61 years 45 doses every 2 months. *
* Each dose corresponds to one dose per day.
* Restart dose cycles for equal periods annually.
Chronic diseases it is recommended to consult a doctor for the corresponding indication.


Do not interrupt the recommended doses, its therapeutic effect is of continuous action, its effectiveness will depend on the continuity of the treatment.

Side effects:

Due to its peptide and opotherapeutic content in its formula, it could in some cases cause a slight headache, which disappears after a few minutes, nausea is very occasional and disappears in a few hours.


It can be safely combined with other medications.

In the recommended doses, no adverse reactions have been observed in any case.

Presentation and packaging:

Contains 45 enteric-coated tablets and 45 enteric-coated capsules with engraving and different colors that are packaged in 15 sterile vials with stoppers and security seal with the printed name of the brand on tear-off to preserve quality of each of its different formulas and presentations.

Extraction and obtaining of biopeptides and cellular extracts

It should be noted that the formulas contain biological components of animal origin in combination with other compounds that enhance the therapeutic action and are extracted especially in the embryonic stage and processed during the second month of gestation, these components that are part of the formulas of some of Our products are obtained after a long biochemical process and are certified free of prions, pyrogens, bacteria, nano-bacteria, fungi, viruses and after many controls, the risks of an immune reaction in Humans are 100% eliminated.

Many years of clinical experience has shown that pigs and sheep are the best donors, because they are strong and immunologically resistant. Proof of this is that even in the 21st century, most heart valve transplants for humans are derived from pigs, in addition to insulin and many derived products for therapeutic purposes, come from these. These methods are continuously monitored to determine that they meet the strictest standards required by biosafety for therapeutic purposes. All the components and other active ingredients of the formulas are also approved by the Federal Food and Drug Agency (FDA) and are manufactured in the USA by BIOCELL ULTRAVITAL USA under Swiss license from Biocell Ultravital.


Keep in a dry and cool place at room temperature between 5 ° C and 40 ° C. Do not use after the expiration date, nor when the present vial has broken the safety cap, nor when the outer packaging is open or forced.

Control of finished product:

Two (2) independent laboratories perform various tests and mycotic controls, biological, bacteriological type 5 analyzes, multicenter immunocellular tests, Anti brucellosis, Virological controls, multiple anti-prion tests, Bacteriosis, Cyclospores, Mycobacteria, Salmonellosis in accordance with the subject of biology for therapeutic purposes for human consumption according to current EC regulations


Biocell Ultravital guarantees the purity and quality of its products and is not responsible for damage to third parties that may cause malpractice.

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Safety in Therapies

Safety control is a very important factor, especially when it comes to high quality health products, which is why at Biocell Ultravital in France, which is the main headquarters where all the research and development of the formulas take place, we have monitoring and follow-up mechanisms for each product, this to prevent any error in the next production, that is why we are continuously implementing software for the detection of technical failures of the human team in charge of production. This translates into maximum safety controls that guarantee the complete quality of the production, eliminating 100% possible adverse reactions due to the indication of some of our products that does not correspond to a contraindication already described.

This discipline has become responsible for quality control in the formulation and manufacturing phases thanks to the detection, evaluation, knowledge and analysis for the prevention of adverse reactions and other possible problems related to the products, covering a wide spectrum of continuous analysis so that they do not cause any harm to the patient.  We actively participate in decision-making when manufacturing to prevent possible complications in any of the production stages. Thanks to the standardization and development of specific protocols established for each production and subjected to continuous analysis adhering to very specific guidelines we are able to prevent these unwanted complications. We are mandated by compliance with the European Pharmacopoeia in Europe and adhere to current FDA regulations when manufacturing the different products corresponding to Biocell Ultravital Cellular Renovation Therapies.

Manufacturing Plants and Procedures

In Europe, research, production and development is carried out at Biocell Ultravital, France, and we share part of the manufacturing in two other associated plants, mainly for the production of some raw materials, between Germany and the Netherlands.

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We also manufacture our products in the USA, BIOCELL ULTRAVITAL USA Laboratories, where we have a modern production factory especially for manufacturing formulas and products for oral presentation.

Since our products formulas require components be extracted from a biological source, in all manufacturing plants we have ensured that they are manufactured in production rooms that have state-of-the-art equipment controlled by software that manages the procedures monitoring each phase of the process. Development with the latest air conditioning, quality and safety systems, to ensure that the final product does not lose its therapeutic potency, for this reason the active ingredients of each formula and the preparation in the initial phase are conditioned in isolated clean rooms and by specialized professionals trained to measure and control the production process from the moment this first manufacturing phase begins and continuing these quality controls through each phase of production until the final product is approved.

Each manufacturing plant, although with different facilities, produces with the same manufacturing procedures, efficiently following the highest quality standards that comply with all the regulations established by the European Pharmacopoeia and the FDA.

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Products that Improve Cellular Renovation

Currently there is a growing interest in cell therapy extracted from the patient’s own stem cells, unlike our products, Cellular renovation therapies (CRT) provide sustained results without complications and represent a great economic saving in comparison. The products in the Biocell Ultravital line of Cell Renewal Therapies are divided into 5 main groups that include: Regeneration, Revitalization, Detoxification, De-inflammatory and Hormonal.

 CRT have worked with great success in recent years as a preventive treatment, without discarding its effective action as a primary therapeutic. The treatment benefits are notorious for their adjuvant action in allopathic medicine. CRT, through their formulas, exclusively allow us to transform diseased or aging organs into healthy organs with a highly functional capacity.  Their components activate a series of stimuli that cells need for a normal cycle of continuous renewal, and they can be incorporated into the body through injections or orally. These various components are assimilated by the body through endocytosis and a good part is introduced into the cells. This is produced by the emission of pseudopods until they completely encompass it to form a vacuole, which then fuses with the lysosomes to degrade the phagocytosed substance, which is known by the name of phagosome. This method is characterized by being the mode of nutrition used by cells through ingestion of foreign matter. In addition, it is one of the greater means of transport that they use to defend themselves against some cells of multicellular organisms.

From this mechanism and many other stimulating biochemical changes, nutrition begins for an effective CELLULAR RENOVATION. CRT brings a fresh genetic information contained in DNA and RNA, stimulating secretion inducing old or sick cells and reprogramming to operate properly, providing the recipient bodies, a large number of biochemical and enzyme substrates containing information needed to revitalize an organ, or a gland. CRT contains various compounds that are primarily responsible for properly nourishing cells, but, moreover, each of the formulas in a CRT contains cells and embryonal tissues that increase positive changes in cell cycle complementing in part dysfunctional lapses. This is how the different components are first incorporated as essential nutrients and as well, how the embryonic tissues reach the organ  with low vitality and that need to be dynamized. This process is called CELLULAR RENOVATION and its benefits are perceived after several weeks, as it passes slowly from the cell to the tissue, from the tissue to the organ and from the organ to the system. Some specialists feel that the most important result of using CRT is the revitalization of the body’s immune defense mechanisms. When damage occurs to the cells that make up the different tissues and organs involved in the immune system, either through aging or environmental poisoning, the body becomes defenseless from both external invasion and internal degeneration. The damage caused to the organs of the immune system can be reversed by stimulating the body’s defense mechanisms to boost the health of the weakened organ.

Security System to Prevent Falsification

Biocell Ultravital has developed for the 4th generation a sophisticated security system for its products to prevent the repetition of copies and / or counterfeiting of our products. Moving forward, we will invest a great technological effort in each package to ensure that you will have an original product in your hand.

This security system is applied to new packaging that have a QR Scan code applied to a double security system, a first physical stage in the packaging that will reveal through a security tab if the product has been violated and a second with an implantation of sophisticated software that will allow you to check if the product you purchased is original through our website, or by downloading the new BIOCELL APP for Android and IOS for free.

The falsification of ethical and health products is a problem that is becoming increasingly important, and all the different therapeutic areas may be affected.

These counterfeits seek to pass for authentic products, copying the packaging material, the commercial image, the logo, the information brochures, as well as the shape and colors of the original product.

In addition, they use the same lot number, expiration date and other identifying elements of the authentic product. However, they are manufactured and placed on the market without the authorization of any health authority. These original and generic medicines, as well as vitamins are also falsified and even more so those products that enjoy prestige are the most vulnerable and these falsifications may contain active ingredients in incorrect doses or lower doses than those authorized, or the absence of active ingredients and even include some toxic elements. Many may even be manufactured under dangerous conditions that are not controlled. Thus, they can pose a significant risk to health and are sometimes especially difficult to identify.

In short, they look identical to the original product, but contain “uncontrolled” components that are life threatening.

he trade in counterfeit medicines is controlled by international criminal networks, and no region is exempt. Those countries with less controlled drug distribution systems are more vulnerable to this type of practice; However, the most developed countries are not spared from this evil, especially when patients purchase drugs on the internet or unauthorized websites. Unfortunately, in the past we have been victims of these unethical organizations and have had to report these facts to the authorities since many people especially in Asian countries, as well as Mexico and others in Central and South America are victims of misleading offers of therapies, even by unethical doctors who offer the products at prices lower than the real cost. However, in the end they spend more money due to the need to seek immediate clinical help as demonstrated on several occasions reported by us through our attorneys around the world from patients who were treated clinically for administering fake products.




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Clinical studies are applied in the pharmaceutical industry, to specifically determine the action and evolution of the product and its final behavior in the body through pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics using a process where up to 4 phases of the drug are commonly involved with the end goal to develop a protocol and measure different interactions.

Biological products such as cell therapies have some characteristics compared to small molecule drugs. These products require novel study designs to address their uniqueness. Close attention to detail must be paid when defining critical endpoints. Special monitoring and reporting should also be considered due to the safety issues associated with these products, especially long-term monitoring, because cell therapies are even more complex and difficult to apply compared to conventional clinical studies as a consequence of the nature of the product. However, we must consider the importance that these therapies have contributed in the last 25 years, especially in revitalizing regenerative medicine, providing significant improvements in the quality of life of patients who have undergone these treatments for various causes and diseases. The mode of action is not always perfect, and the potency tests are still imprecise, hence the main concern when reviewing any clinical trial on allogeneic transplantation in autologous or donor cell therapies and also those of animal origin Xenotransplantation is that they all enjoy 100% biosecurity and with minimal risk of immune rejection.

The aforementioned does not relate to Biocell Ultravital products since they use peptides and cell extracts in their formulas that guarantee 100% safety without the possibility of immune rejection in patients. We have accumulated for more than 70 years of varied clinical expertise through specialized doctors mainly in Europe who have used Cellular Renovation Therapies for more than 3 generations to establish safety and efficacy parameters, mainly on patients for which an adequate evaluation is required to determine various aspects. Such as, their medical history, their family history, risks environmental conditions, and predisposition to degenerative diseases. In all the above parameters such as to time and dose to be applied are crucial  be able to determine the therapeutic effectiveness. This is determined according to the type of trial or clinical expertise used to develop the application protocols focusing on the type of pathology. As of 2017 we had carried out 1,292 new observational tests in which the following criteria were evaluated:

Scientific bibliographies.

In 1980 Jean Dausset was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for demonstrating that genetically determined cell surface structures regulate immunological reactions, inspiring in this scientific contribution Wagman decided to incorporate immunological extracts into the formulas of all first-generation Biocell Ultravital products in order to strengthen the immune system.

In 1999, Günter Blobel won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work in the 1970s, discovering that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and location in the cell.

In 2001 Paul Maxime Nurse was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle.

In 2007 Martin John Evans was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on stem cells and genetic manipulation in animal models.

In 2016 Yoshinori Ōsumi received the Nobel Prize in Medicine” for his discoveries on the mechanisms of autophagy for survival of mitochondrial energy in cells.

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Dr. Freddie Ulan

Chiropractor, Certified Clinical Nutritionist